Over the past few months the reputation of Zambian lawyers, or lack thereof, has been content for comical relief. Many have questioned our calibre and some have even gone as far as calling the majority of us ‘a disappointment’. While throwing jabs at the legal profession is not a new phenomenon, it has been irksome.
“What’s the big deal?” “A good laugh never hurt anybody”. Granted, but not at the expense of far reaching implications. “What’s going on when what’s going on is going on?” my Pastor likes to say. A catchy reflective question that when answered honestly gives insight into consequences that are not immediately apparent.
While we laugh and shrug off the memes, something else is happening. History is being written in that very moment. A legacy is being built. What reputation has been handed down to us? What reputation will we hand down to those that are coming after us?
It would be a great tragedy to have lived in the ‘information age’ and not taken the time to learn about the Rockstars that have gone before us. What did they achieve that can inspire us to reach greater heights? What foundations were laid and how can we build on them?
“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree.”
Michael Crichton, American Novelist
On this blog, our aim is to highlight the achievements of Rockstar advocates that are in a sense our ‘forerunners’. It is our hope that it will spark something on the inside of you and maybe set you off on your own path of discovery.
We hope that all the stories that will be shared here will bring you to a realisation that you are writing history everyday in the work that you do. Remember, you are a ‘Minister in the temple of justice’. Some of you Rockstars are actually ‘High Priests’ in your areas of expertise. One of the surest ways to ensure that we leave behind a legacy we can be proud of is to approach our work with the reverent attitude of a Priest and to serve diligently in whatever section of the temple we have been called to.
Do you know a ‘forerunner‘ that achieved great things? We would love to hear all about them in the comments.
Best wishes,